Saturday, June 7, 2008

Spider Mites

After posting this and a closer pic on Gardenweb, it seems that my problem is spider mites. And now all 4 plants in the rose bed are showing symptoms. It hit them so fast! I thoroughly sprayed all of the roses and the tomatoes with Safer soap. From the different things I've read, I'm getting mixed reports of if I can save everything or not. I sure hope so. I'm pretty sure my Brandywine and Big Rainbow will come out okay, not so sure about the Early Girl (pictured above) and Roma.

I did accomplish my To Do list from early this week. I also sprayed my daisies with the Safer soap to hopefully get rid of the thrips. (This is seriously a year for bugs!) I planted beans in my remaining two corn mounds, more spinach in both the raised bed and container, and sunflowers amongst the cantaloupe. I fertilized my cucumbers and sweet potatoes with fish emulsion, and mulched around the cucumbers and spinach with grass clippings. I'm going to wait until I see which tomatoes survive the mites before I take the time to mulch them. It was too hot to rake the rest of the grass, but I will try to work on that Sunday. I had planned to start zinnia seeds inside, but the heat got to me and I napped the rest of the afternoon.

The other real good news is that my Roma tomato in my raised bed has several tomatoes on it and my Carmen pepper has flowers. Yay! At least I have tomatoes in several locations, so I should get something. I will try to put up pictures tomorrow, I promise!

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