Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Karma

Every year I plan to properly prepare the garden beds for winter. In my mind, I am chopping fall leaves, broadcasting crimson clover for cover crops, pulling up stakes, and doing other general cleanup, etc. It all gets done . . . in my mind. And every year I pay for not following through with tons of weeds (mostly nasty henbit) that I have to pull and hoe before I can do any planting. This year is no exception. I did get one bed completely ready. It will need a new load of mushroom soil before I can plant the brassicas and lettuce, for that is what the greens love.

The root bed should be finished shortly. My sweet husband traded off with me to finish that bed. I started this one by planting a half row of spinach and beets. This week my onion order should come in, so I am hoping to make time this week to get those planted in there as well.

Monday, February 20, 2012

And so it begins...

Today I planted the peas and snow peas. I had so much to do this weekend that I was glad the bed they were rotating to was pretty much ready. I spent a little while doing a bit of weeding, pulling out the tomato cages, and resetting up the trellis for the little climbers. It's been so warm. Today was in the 60's, and it certainly wasn't the first time this year. It feel so good to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine.