Sunday, June 29, 2008

Plants as Insect Controls

From Carrots Love Tomatoes:

Basil: Against flies and mosquitoes.
Borage: Against tomato worms
Catnip: Against flea beetles
Garlic: Against Japanese beetles, aphids, weevils, fruit tree borers, spider mites
Lavender: Against clothes moths
Marigolds: Against Mexican bean beetles, nematodes, and many more
Mint: Against white cabbage moths and (when dried) against clothes moths
Nasturtium: Against aphids, squash bugs, striped pumpkin beetles, woolly aphids
Pennyroyal: Against ants and plant lice
Peppermint: Against white cabbage moths and ants
Petunia: Against beetles
Pot Marigold (Calendula): Against asparagus beetles, tomato worms, many others
Rose Geranium: Crushed leaves as insect repellant
Rosemary: Against cabbage moths, bean beetles, carrot flies, malaria mosquitoes
Rue: Against Japanese beetles
Sage: Against cabbage moths, carrot flies, ticks
Sassafras: Against plant lice
Spearmint: Against ants and aphids
Stinging Nettle: Against aphids and black flies
Summer Savory: Against bean beetles
Tansy: Against flying insects, Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs, ants
Thyme: Against cabbage worms
White Geranium: Against Japanese beetles

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