After rereading about herb companions, I moved some of my herbs around to /hopefully/ help influence the bugs to move elsewhere. The kale regrew, but then I found it covered in cabbage worms and almost completely eaten away. So, I pulled it up and replanted and planted collards putting sage in between the two. I took the container of spearmint and put it between my roma tomato plant and eggplant to hopefully dissuade the aphids. I had just about won the battle over the eggplant, so everyone just moved over to the tomato plant. Around the broccoli and brussel sprouts, I placed the lemon balm and rosemary. Both of those are also supposed to help with cabbage worms. I'm sure it's too late, and I'm still somewhat skeptical anyway, but we'll see what happens. I'm thinking now that some of the broccoli heads are yellow because of the worms. I discovered a lot of them when I picked broccoli yesterday.
Sunday, I also added fertilizer to my two other tomato plants that I hadn't worked on earlier, and then I mulched all four with grass clippings. I pulled off the mulch around the strawberries to fertilize them for the year too, and then put the mulch back of course.
I was saddened that my mom's watermelon plants have 3 fist sized melons and mine just has one or two dime sized ones. I actually had baby melons first, but they rotted. I read on gardenweb that that happens if it doesn't get pollinated, and I'm sure that's a problem with my plants being in a corner of the porch.
Otherwise, I did pick 3 cucumbers today, and I'm noticing that other stuff is getting close. I will try to have my monthly pictures up by the end of this week.
Backyard Chicken Breeds for Beginners
1 year ago
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