Friday, July 11, 2008

Rain is Wonderful

The Pumpkin in the Compost

I have been worried at our lack of rain this year. The drought last year combined with the crazy high heatwave was just awful. This year is starting to seem the same way, minus the heat, at least so far. I was super excited this week that we had some nice storms. Finally, I don't have to pay to water my plants for a few days.

Since I promised to share a pic of my compost growing pumpkin, here it is! I haven't done anything to this guy, and David even accidentally weed whacked it a couple of weeks ago. It's still doing pretty good though. Very interesting to watch.

Today I planted lettuce again, both a little bit of romaine and green ice, and thoroughly sprayed the roma, eggplant, and bell pepper for aphids. I also harvested three more cucumbers and a bell pepper, as well as snacking off my cherry tomato. I should be able to start picking roma tomatoes on Sunday. I'm going to have to get a canner pretty soon, since I'm well on my way to having enough cucumbers to making a good batch of pickles.

I also noticed that my eggplant is starting to flower and my kale has sprouted. Yay! It's a happy time to be in the garden, even if it is hot and muggy.

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