As of today, it looks like the dill, chamomile, kale, next succession of green ice lettuce and radishes, and possibly one swiss chard plant are all sprouted, /and/ there is one rosebud just opening.
Tuesday I fertilized my roses with the last of my chemical fertilizer. Now I need to figure out how to take care of them organically. I also planted a second row of zinnias and weeded out the office bed. For some reason this year, a ton of vetch took over and climbed all over the box wood. Since it can be grown as a cover crop, I put the huge mound of it on the compost pile.
I have been unsure of having peat moss as the top layer of my lasagna bed. It dries out so fast, and I'm afraid my seeds will never germinate. I decided that I really should be watering that bed every morning, at least for a couple of weeks to see if that will help germination. I've also been having issues with the neighbors dog trampling through it, but I won't start on that rant. (I may not stop for a while.) However, Friday I saw that perhaps one seed has germinated (the aforementioned possible swiss chard), so things may be okay yet. I'm trying to work on patience, but it's so hard.
As I mentioned in the previous post, Thursday I discovered that cutworms had taken out another two plants. I wish I had followed through last month and put collars around all of my plants. I looked to see if there was any other remedy, but found nothing except collars and digging them out. I suppose late is better than never. I dug down to the roots, wrapped aluminum foil around the stem up to the leaves, and put the soil back. In the process, I did find two very fat cutworms and cut them in half. That felt great! I'm sure I missed some, but I dare them to cut through the aluminum.
Friday, I went to Ace and bought plants: rosemary, California Wonder bell pepper, Beuregard sweet potatoes, Brandywine tomato, Big Rainbow tomato, and 2 Roma tomatoes. I'm super excited because I also got a freebee cutting of lemon balm from my uncle today.
So, tomorrow, I hope to get a lot of planting finished and then post pictures of the garden as of the first part of May.
Backyard Chicken Breeds for Beginners
1 year ago
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