It is hotter than Hades out there. I believe the heat index got to 118 degrees this afternoon, so needless to say the only thing accomplished was to deeply water late this evening. I apologize for the pictures. It was too hot to take them before it got dark.
Here you can see that the potatoes are pretty much died back and ready to dig up. Behind that is corn that is very close to being ready as well.
In the front are little okra seedlings next to a ton of swiss chard ready to eat. In the middle are sweet potato seedlings, then leeks and carrots. There are also a few onions left, but most have been harvested and are curing on the kitchen table (away from dog who would like to play with them). This bed needs a lot of weeding as you can see.
The brassica bed is just about done for the year. In the middle are the biggest sunflowers I've ever grown, much less seen. The dill is flowering and smells lovely. There are two survivor cantelope plants among the weeds and secondary cabbage leaves in front. I fertilized them today, and maybe they will start to grow better. In the back is kale and collards that are close to bolting and lettuce that is way past bolting. This bed will need a lot of clean up once I can catch up with the current crops.
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