It was 74 degrees today, and my daffodills are beautiful. The tulips and day lilies aren't far behind. My windows were open, and I sat perusing seed catalogs while recovering from the lovely crud that's going around. I can't wait until April when it will be 6 months from transplant, and I will be officially allowed to garden again.
I actually did a basic garden plan a couple of weeks ago. My big goals are to add another lasagna raised bed, really get into growing herbs, and build up the soil along the fence to add raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries in the fall. So without further ado, here's my basic plan:
Small bed: Rotated to 3 sisters (corn, pole beans, squash), possibly adding peas in the fall.
Last year's established bed: broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts interplanted with dill, romaine lettuce interplanted with radish, bell & chili peppers, cucumbers, okra, and possibly peanuts if I have room (but likely not) --- I might also what doesn't fit in containers.
New bed: Swiss chard (we just tried it, very yummy!) interplanted with beets, carrots interplanted with onions, parsnips, more carrots interplanted with green onions, leeks (if I can find them) interplanted with sage and chamomile, turnips, and sweet potatoes --- again, some might go in containers
Rose bed: Tomatoes (hopefully Brandywine, a striped kind (maybe Big Rainbow?), an early one, and a grape) and garlic in the fall
Office bed: Sunflowers underplanted with cantaloupe.
Containers: strawberries, spinach, leaf lettuce, Roma tomato, eggplant, Sugar Baby watermelon, basil, chives, rosemary, thyme, mint, lavender, and bay
I wasn't going to mail order seeds, but actually Pinetree Garden Seeds, recommended by Foodie Farmgirl, has better prices than Walmart, for the most part. So, I'm happily making up an order. Tomorrow I'll see if my mom wants to share an order with me for her garden.
So, in the next couple of weeks I want to get any mail order out, put up our bat house, and build the raised beds. Hopefully in the next few days I'll have a few pictures of spring for those of you who haven't seen it yet. :P
Backyard Chicken Breeds for Beginners
1 year ago
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