Monday, April 12, 2010

April Planting

Sunday I transplanted the broccoli as well as some cabbage I got at Lowe's into the brassica bed. Only one dill and no romaine had come up, so I planted more of them as well as some more radishes. The radishes are starting to be ready to add to salad. Yay, my first harvest!

David built a potato bin for my russets. I'm very curious to see how it works. All of the seed potatoes, except two, fit into the bin. I planted the extra two into the raised bed for a comparison of growth. I also planted more carrots in that bed.

I had intended to transplant the celery, but the sun burned them. I will have to try that once again next year. I am getting better at starting seeds since I have successfully started broccoli, tomatoes, and chili peppers for the first time this year. However, celery is still eluding me.

I also got almost all of my herbs started on the porch. I bought sage, oregano, thyme, and rosemary as plants and started chamomile, spearmint, and cilantro. The parsley I started a month ago is starting to produce small leaves, so it shouldn't be too long before I can use some of it.

I had hoped to get my corn planted, but I still need to get another load of mushroom soil. Hopefully that will get done this Sunday, if not before.

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