I took pictures of the garden just before we went on spring break the second week of April. It looks so much greener today, but here's the pictures that will be recorded for April.
This is the root vegetable bed. It has a lot of fall leaves on top that, unfortunately, are not very composted. Currently there are red gold (early) potatoes planted on the far left, then onions, carrots, chard, and beets. I put a little peat moss on top for the seeds to germinate in. On the far right are a couple of extra russet potatoes that didn't fit in the potato bin we built.
This is the brassica bed. In the back are greens (collards, kale, and mustard. For some reason the collards didn't really germinate that well, I will have to buy new seed for the fall. I planted parsnips in the next row forward, they also didn't germinate that well, but I did get a few. Next is turnips, then radishes and romaine lettuce. The romaine is another seed that didn't germinate well this year. Near the front is cabbage, broccoli, and dill. I also had trouble with the dill germinating, but I'm hoping that what did come up will not only be nice for pickles, but will also shoo away the cabbage moths.
Here is the potato bin we built for the russet (late) potatoes. The idea is as the potatoes grow, you keep piling leaves/straw/soil on and build the bin another slat high. The higher the potatoes grow, the more you get. Apparently this only works with late potatoes and not early ones. We'll see how that goes.
I am so proud of myself! I actually did get tomatoes and ancho peppers started from seed this year. They look pretty good, if I do say so myself.