Monday, July 13, 2009

I thought I was done with the sickness....

Well, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked by now. I've been fighting flare ups of this and that. I'm not sure why I can't be done with sickness, but I know that Jesus will enjoy sickness free gardening with me in heaven. :)

So anyway, I did harvest about 10 pounds of Red Gold potatoes. They're quite good, and we've used about half of them. They are tiny though. Next year I want to order maybe these and a late potato variety to hill up in a bin. It's the later varieties, I've learned, that you can really hill and will produce a lot of nice sized potatoes.

I also started seeds inside for romaine, broccoli, cabbage, and celery. Most all are up. I was thinking I wouldn't have time for leeks, but someone posted on gardenweb that there should be time for someone in zone 6, so I think I will try to direct seed some in the fall bed.

I have cucumbers and squash overflowing in the refridgerator. This week I absolutely must get some pickles done and hopefully make some sweet relish too. Yesterday I finally picked my first tomato! It was a Moskovich, and it was pretty good. Not super good, but good. I'm looking forward to trying the other kinds as they come in to compare. My honeydew plant is totally taking over and has tons of flowers, but no baby melons yet.

Otherwise things are growing pretty good, the corn absolutely needs nitrogen and isn't as tall as I would like. I will never buy that soil again. Lasangna layers are definitely the way to go. I did add some bone & blood meal to my Sugar Snack cherry because the leaf tips were a bit purple as well.

Goals for this week:
  1. Finish new lasagna bed and plant carrots, leeks, collards, scallions, and chard.
  2. Fertilze 3 sisters bed.
  3. Plant potatoes.
  4. Make pickles & relish.
  5. Take pictures of garden.
  6. Order garlic.

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