It's been hot and dry this last week or so. We really, really need rain. I got my sunflowers planted and a few zinnia seedlings are up. It seems like I had more zinnias than I do now, but there's still not very many. Something is trying to eat them. But, I think the seedlings also need more frequent watering to get started. I will give them another several days and then try to plant marigolds where there are holes. Hopefully it won't end up looking too funny once I'm all done. I really need to get some daylilies from my mom's garden transplanted. Hopefully it's not too late yet.
My crapemyrtle is recovering, sort of. There are lots of new canes coming from the rootball. Unfortunately, the original branches look quite dead. I have this bad feeling I'm going to have to start completely over and wait a few years just for the tree to be the height it was supposed to be this year.
The raised bed is starting to look quite nice. The peas have finally taken off. There are tons of flowers and quite a few pods forming. I'm hoping we'll have fresh peas for supper next week. The broccoli is looking better as well, although it looks like a couple plants are buttoning off from the stress. Sunday I will probably have to cut them. The only real concern in this bed is my romaine. The extreme cold to hot seems to have put them in a stasis. The leaves look dotted or something as well. I haven't looked up what I can do for them yet.
My containers are doing great as well for the most part. I've harvested my spinach again as well as the mustard and collards. Here again, my lettuce is slow probably because of the heat.
My main concern right now is my strawberries. They came up wonderfully and survived the cold snap inside. But, then they started turning brown and dieing off a few days before I got them outside again. Some plants look okay, but I've lost about half of them. I tried to transplant two of my nice ones from a pot into the growing bag. I didn't do anymore because I wasn't sure if that was too healthy. So far they look okay though. The soil inside the bag was pretty wet, so perhaps they were suffering from some root rot? I really don't know what the problem is or what to do.
I finally registered an account at Garden Web I'm going to take some pictures tomorrow to record here as well as hopefully to get some answers about my strawberries and crapemyrtle.
I also started laying out my new lasagna garden bed. It's about 7x12', and I will try the three sisters method with corn, pole beans, and squash. It should be really interesting combining methods. I hope I can build one more small 8x8 bed next to my current one for okra and cantaloupe. I'm getting so late though; that probably isn't going to happen. My long term goal is to have 4 big beds for rotation and the two small ones for strawberries, asparagus, and herbs. If I get one bed built per year, that will be another 4-5 years down the road...
Goals for this week:
1. Finish building lasagna bed and plant corn.
2. Dig up daylilies and transfer.
3. Find answers to my strawberry dilemma.
Backyard Chicken Breeds for Beginners
1 year ago
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