Monday, May 2, 2011


First off, we had an epic storm this last week! Praise God the worst damage to our property was some minor hail damage to our cars and to the garden (a couple of broken plants). Many people in our area lost their homes and some lost their loved ones as well. I don't think this area has experienced tornadoes in such a capacity.

Because of the storm, I really didn't get to plant the tomatoes as soon as I would like. I did weed and plant some fill in seeds of various things on Friday, but we finally made a trip to the nursery and got mushroom soil to fill in the curcubit bed on Sunday. Today I planted a brandywine, moskivich (that was broken by the hail), sungold cherry, 2 san marzano romas, and a viva Italia roma. I didn't have myself together, so out of the list of things I would usually plant with them, I only used eggshells, aspirin, and a handful of Miracle Grow slow release. (I'm trying to use up what I have.) I wanted to plant more today, but that's really all that got done.

I have harvested the broccoli crowns, and it appears that the leaf lettuce and the peas are about ready to go. Also, the corn and beans are starting to come up. Now we have gotten to where I will attempt to eat out of the garden more often than not. Yay!