It's been so hot and dry (around 105) these last few weeks that pretty much all I've been able to do is sit in the air conditioning and dream of next year. I have kept my containers watered, and the Roma tomatoes are still rolling in. There are a few other goodies cooking as well. We actually did eat twice out of the garden this week. Monday I cooked up the rest of the yellow squash in the refrigerator as well as the first of our green beans. Tuesday I made gumbo with my tomatoes, onions, and pepper. But the okra was from my uncle's garden since I didn't get that planted in time. It was all super yummy and awesome to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Unfortunately, someone broke a water main this week so combined with the drought, we had a outdoor watering ban. It looks like it has been lifted, so tomorrow I'll see what there is to see.
So, with enjoying the fruits of my labors and not enjoying the heat, I have been dreaming and reading. After reading many people's opinions, here are the tomato varieties I'd like to try next year. (Well, not all of them...I need to narrow the list down.)
1. An early good producer: Early Girl or Rutgers
2. Roma (of course...I was quite happy with that one this year)
3. Cherry: Sweet 100 or Grape or Sungold
4. Other yummy sounding ones to look for: Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Mortgage Lifter, Kellogg's Breakfast
5. A good bicolor: Marvel Stripe or Burracker's Favorite
I know I will grow 4 plants in between my roses. I probably will also grow my Roma in a container again as well as one other if I can find one on the list that's a determinate. (probably one of the cherry varieties) Or, maybe I'll just grow 2 Roma's so I'll definitely have enough to can for sauce.
Backyard Chicken Breeds for Beginners
1 year ago